News and interesting facts
Find out about all the latest news and upcoming events at the Oest Group.
AlbA project day at Oest
Trainees from the Oest Group welcomed their classmates as part of the AlbA project day.
Ground-breaking ceremony for new AVIA filling station
With the construction of the new AVIA filling station in Eschau, in the Lower Franconian district of Miltenberg, Oest Energies is expanding its…
OEST ENERGIES continues to expand infrastructure for electromobility
More and more filling stations of Oest Energies are equipped with AVIA Volt Hyperchargers.
New development reduces adhesive consumption for post-gluing
Oest Systems is constantly working on new developments for even greater sustainability and process efficiency. One of the latest innovations optimizes…
As innovative as ever after 75 years
AVIA filling station in Bietigheim-Bissingen celebrates its 75th anniversary and is one of the first in the region to offer HVO100 fuel.
Cooling Lubricant Forum in Fellbach
The 32nd Cooling Lubricant Forum focused on current topics relating to the selection, use and disposal of cooling lubricants.
Construction work for new filling station going according to plan
The official ground-breaking ceremony in October marked the start of the construction of the new AVIA filling station in Ziemetshausen.
Into a new era with OEST LUBRICANTS
Georg Oest Mineralölwerk GmbH & Co. KG becomes OEST LUBRICANTS GmbH & Co. KG.
Oest presents environmentally friendly fuels at INTERBOOT
From September 25 to 29, Oest will be providing information at INTERBOOT in Friedrichshafen about alternative fuels that are ideal for use in the…
Oest at the AMB 2024
AMB, one of the most important trade fairs for the metalworking industry, invites you to Stuttgart from September 10-14, 2024.